- Jun 13, 2015
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Due to the update, imu-pipeline contains now two ROS packages and requires patching to build if CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING is not enabled.
- Jun 10, 2015
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Due to the update, this commits also adds new dependencies.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The patch provided upstream is incorporated since 1.11.4 and hence is removed.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The recent geometry_experimental repository also provides the tf2_sensor_msgs package, which is needed for the recent imu_pipeline packages.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Due to the update to 0.4.3, this commit adjusts the pointer to the license line.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The smach_ros package added rostest test case, and now depends on rostest, and hence, this commit also adds the dependency to the recipe.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The package update from 0.1.7 to 0.1.8 requires adjusting the line of the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Due to the update, class-loader now depends on cmake-modules.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
This commit also drops the patch provided upstream, and since version 0.5.1, the ar_track_alvar package now provides an archive with more default directory structure. This commit also corrects the license information in the recipe to LGPL-2.1.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
In version 0.5.0, ar-track-alvar was split into ar-track-alvar and ar-track-alvar-msgs.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The patch provided upstream is accepted since 1.11.2 and hence is removed.
- May 28, 2015
Ash Charles authored
As per Section 24.5.15 of the Yocto Manual [1], use of 'virtclass' overrides has been deprecated since Yocto version 1.6. Update to the new syntax. [1] http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/mega-manual/mega-manual.html Signed-off-by:
Ash Charles <ashcharles@gmail.com>
Ash Charles authored
Bump from Velodyne version 1.1.2 (Nov 2013) to the latest release, 1.2.0 (Aug 2014). This version includes a fix to support yaml-cpp 1.5+ so resolves #325 [1]. [1] https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros/issues/325 Signed-off-by:
Ash Charles <ashcharles@gmail.com>
- May 27, 2015
Jonas Sticha authored
- May 05, 2015
Lukas Bulwahn authored
During some code inspections, I discovered that two consecutive empty lines slipped in with the commit 18588242. Signed-off-by:
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@oss.bmw-carit.de>
- May 04, 2015
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Due to the update, this commit also drops the upstream patch. Signed-off-by:
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@oss.bmw-carit.de>
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Due to the update, the pointer to the license line is adjusted. Signed-off-by:
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@oss.bmw-carit.de>
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The frontier-exploration recipe stated that the software is under BSD license, probably due to a copy-and-paste inattention. The commit now points to the license line for version 0.2.2 and changes the license to GPLv3, which is stated in the package.xml. Strangely, the package.xml states that the frontier_exploration ROS package is licensed under GPLv3, but the license text in the LICENSE file is the GPLv2.1 terms and conditions; so the actual intended license by the copyright holders remain unclear. However, assuming the conditions for GPLv3 must be fulfilled for usage and distribution is a 'safe' approximation, even if the conditions for GPLv2.1 apply. Signed-off-by:
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@oss.bmw-carit.de>
- Apr 09, 2015
Lukas Bulwahn authored
With the poky-dizzy distribution, the do_rootfs task for core-image-ros-world fails with: ERROR: Unable to install packages. Command '/[...]/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/smart --quiet --data-dir=/[...]/core-image-ros-world/1.0-r0/rootfs/var/lib/smart install -y run-postinsts@all packagegroup-core-boot@beaglebone packagegroup-ros-world@all' returned 1: error: Can't install ar-track-alvar-0.4.1-r0@cortexa8hf_vfp_neon: no package provides libmedianFilter.so Build Configuration: poky 1.7.1; poky: "dizzy:ec75238f6cc2d2d8d40e0268f6d2acc070cbe9a4"; meta-openembedded: "dizzy:9efaed99125b1c4324663d9a1b2d3319c74e7278" To resolve this problem, this commit updates ar-track-alvar to the latest Hydro version 0.4.2. Unfortunately, there is no archive file for version 0.4.2, so the recipe uses the git repository with the commit intended to mark version 0.4.2 to fetch the source code. Due to the update, this commit also removes the upstream-accepted patch file from this repository here. Signed-off-by:
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@oss.bmw-carit.de>
- Mar 30, 2015
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
In version 1.1.0, razor-imu-9dof depends on dynamic-reconfigure.
Lukas Bulwahn authored
Lukas Bulwahn authored
On the meta-ros issue tracker, the issue #291 reports a linking problem with rosconsole if ROS Hydro is also installed on the host system. Kristof investigated in that, and published a patch [1] on September 27th, 2014, which resolved the rosconsole issue, but showed issues with urdfdom. After reading through the discussion of issue #291, I started initial testing with Kristof's patch. After testing Kristof's patch, I also investigated the urdfdom problem, and came up with the solution to revert the part of his patch, which moved `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH='${ros_prefix}'` to ros.bbclass. Initially, I believed that the issue that was addressed with the second part of Kristof's patch, has been resolved with commit 7e2eb25e. However, the issue remains, but is only reproducible with the Ubuntu saucy distribution. On my first local setup, I could reproduce the issue #291 with rosconsole on commit 47eab426. After applying this commit, the issue with rosconsole did not occur anymore on a clean fresh build. `bitbake packagegroup-ros-world` did not show any other further issues. On my second local setup, on a newly-installed Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) system, I checked that the proposed commit resolves some linking problems to boost, with some latest OpenEmbedded-Core repository and the poky-dizzy distribution. A detailed report of the investigation of this second local setup is at my Github Gist [2]. In the first review of the pull request #318, Kristof noticed that on an Ubuntu 13.10 (saucy), an issue with message-filters still occurs. I could not reproduce this and other reported errors on the Ubuntu 12.04 system, so I believe certain errors only appear on certain Ubuntu distributions, which makes them difficult to pinpoint. Therefore, we decided to defer the resolution of this problem with Ubuntu 13.10. To adjust to the concurrent work in pull request #319, during the rebasing, the patch has been moved from the catkin directory to the files directory. Kristof remains the author of the applied patch, as I have not modified the patch. I have put myself as this author's commit, as I take the responsibility of the modifications compared to Kristof's original work and I have tested this commit in my test setting. [1] https://github.com/KristofRobot/meta-ros/commit/9ff76ffb7a5aaa076a89a378e92d41adbfeb9b38 [2] https://gist.github.com/bulwahn/a8d5b7c27550b399f866 Signed-off-by:
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@oss.bmw-carit.de> catkin: move to files directory (fixup)