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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 03, 2016
  2. Oct 07, 2016
  3. Jun 14, 2016
  4. Dec 11, 2015
  5. Jun 10, 2015
    • Lukas Bulwahn's avatar
      ar-track-alvar: updating to 0.5.1 · 6d8a616d
      Lukas Bulwahn authored
      This commit also drops the patch provided upstream, and since
      version 0.5.1, the ar_track_alvar package now provides an archive
      with more default directory structure.
      This commit also corrects the license information in the recipe to
  6. Apr 09, 2015
    • Lukas Bulwahn's avatar
      ar-track-alvar: updating to 0.4.2 · d63e4fee
      Lukas Bulwahn authored
      With the poky-dizzy distribution, the do_rootfs task for
      core-image-ros-world fails with:
        ERROR: Unable to install packages. Command '/[...]/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/smart --quiet --data-dir=/[...]/core-image-ros-world/1.0-r0/rootfs/var/lib/smart install -y run-postinsts@all packagegroup-core-boot@beaglebone packagegroup-ros-world@all' returned 1:
        error: Can't install ar-track-alvar-0.4.1-r0@cortexa8hf_vfp_neon: no package provides
      Build Configuration: poky 1.7.1;
        poky: "dizzy:ec75238f6cc2d2d8d40e0268f6d2acc070cbe9a4";
        meta-openembedded: "dizzy:9efaed99125b1c4324663d9a1b2d3319c74e7278"
      To resolve this problem, this commit updates ar-track-alvar to the
      latest Hydro version 0.4.2. Unfortunately, there is no archive file
      for version 0.4.2, so the recipe uses the git repository with the
      commit intended to mark version 0.4.2 to fetch the source code.
      Due to the update, this commit also removes the upstream-accepted
      patch file from this repository here.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLukas Bulwahn <>
  7. Aug 18, 2014
    • Lukas Bulwahn's avatar
      improving formatting after automated style check · 8249cc8d
      Lukas Bulwahn authored
      After running on all recipes in recipes-ros, this
      commit improves the formatting of some recipes.
      To achieve this, I executed these commands in recipes-ros:
      find . -name *.bb | sed 's#\(.*\)#./ \1 > \1_sanitized#' | sh
      find . -name *.bb | sed 's#\(.*\)#diff -Naur \1 \1_sanitized#' | sh > diffs
      Then, I manually inspected the diffs file, and improved the
      For the DESCRIPTION line in the addressed recipes, the line width
      of 100 characters was chosen, as the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM line and
      SRC_URI line usually are also around about 100 characters long.
      Hence, choosing a shorter line width, e.g. 80 characters, would
      have only created more line breaks, but not reduced the need to
      use a file viewer with which 100 characters line width can be
      displayed. For the github file and diff viewer and most editors
      on reasonably-sized screens, 100 character line width is no
  8. Jun 02, 2014
  9. May 15, 2014