This is a layer to provide ROS Indigo Igloo in an OpenEmbedded Linux system.
It provides a stable cross-compilation build system for many common ROS packages.
Currently, this layer is still under continuous development.
* Source Code Repository:
* Issue Tracker:
* Discussion Forum:
* Installation Guide:
* Development Guides:
Note: In October 2016, the mailing list at!forum/meta-ros has been discontinued and
discussion has moved to
However, the mailing list is still a good resource on issues that have been
resolved in the past.
* Lukas Bulwahn, BMW Car IT GmbH <>
* Stefan Herbrechtsmeier, Bielefeld University <>
* Kristof Robot <>
* Lukas Bulwahn, BMW Car IT GmbH <>
* Stefan Herbrechtsmeier, Bielefeld University <>
* Tobias Weigl, BMW Car IT GmbH <>
* Kartik Mohta <>
* Koen Kooi <>
* Victor Mayoral Vilches <>
* Sergey 'Jin' Bostandzhyan <>
* Andreas Hildisch, BMW Car IT GmbH <>
* William <>
* Kristof Robot <>
* Esteve Fernandez <>
* Jonas Sticha <>
* Pascal Bach <>
* Andreas Galauner <>
* Peter S. Housel <>
* Gauthier Monserand <>
* Timo Mueller <>
* Andreas Baak <>
We are still working on this development and are interested in other use cases.
If you are interested in this project, please contact us via email.
The more people are interested, the more we will be pushing this project.
If you want to contribute, please contact us and we can discuss open issues
and how to join forces.
URI: git://
subdirectory: meta
branch: master
revision: HEAD
**meta-openembedded (meta-oe)**
URI: git://
subdirectory: meta-oe
branch: master
revision: HEAD
**meta-python** (since a6d7ba92645a112af358efd94ff3aa0c74985a51@meta-openembedded)
URI: git://
subdirectory: meta-python
branch: master
revision: HEAD
**meta-multimedia** (since fe44ac167a2a76531af3519f3889fce92024567b@meta-openembedded)
URI: git://
subdirectory: meta-multimedia
branch: master
revision: HEAD
**meta-intel-realsense** (since 4a5ba0f20094dd3d07c0a0c1dede2ba40e9d6abf)
branch: master
revision: HEAD
This layer is required only if you need to build realsense-camera driver.
**bitbake** > 1.20
Here, we list which parts of this layer depend on recent commits in the
bitbake, openembedded-core and meta-openembedded repositories. Using
`git blame` on the lines below, you can find the commits in meta-ros that
rely on the remote commits. In case of porting to other versions, you must
possibly revert some of those commits.
cv-bridge and dependent recipes, e.g., the image-transport recipes, depend on
For native python-numpy support, these recipes also depend on
c13c5f40160d289bb62538a16900fed30621cb22@meta-openembedded or on
Some recipes that need the Eigen library, e.g., the pcl-ros recipe, depend on
Using wildcards in bbappend versions part in name depends on
31bc9af9cd56e7b318924869970e850993fafc5f@bitbake and
octomap-ros and collada-urdf depend on
43073569cb67d98c11aa71211d77b566b64f9145@openembedded-core and
urdfdom-py depends on the meta-python layer since
Since 3edf08b38b0af93cef0933b061349264dc86d54c@openembedded-core,
recipes relying on opencv need to activate the DISTRO\_FEATURE
rosbridge-library depends on python-six, which is provided in meta-python
since a36869c700bed940f7f0aa4b9703ae630dc84eac@meta-openembedded.
The repository contains a layer for ROS that builds on top of the
OpenEmbedded Core layer and the meta-oe layer.
We try our best to keep up with the development of the current HEAD
of the layers mentioned above. If you notice any problems with the
current HEAD, please report this in our issue tracker.
You can use this layer with earlier versions of the layers mentioned above
and their release branches, dora and daisy, with a few minor adjustments.
The section "dependencies on recent commits" in this file provides a few
pointers to adjust this layer for other versions.
Initialize the build environment:
Add the required layers (see **DEPENDENCIES**) by modifying ``./conf/bblayers.conf`` (adjust ``/home/me/devel`` as necessary):
/home/me/devel/openembedded-core/meta \
/home/me/devel/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
/home/me/devel/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
/home/me/devel/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
/home/me/devel/meta-ros \
Compile package:
The recipe core-image-ros-roscore provides a minimal Linux system that runs
You can compile the minimal Linux system with
bitbake core-image-ros-roscore
Then for example, you start this system in the qemu virtual machine with
runqemu <MACHINE> core-image-ros-roscore
On the Linux system, ensure that the own host's name in resolved by adding <HOSTNAME>.localdomain <HOSTNAME>
to the /etc/hosts file, and set up the environment with
Lukas Bulwahn
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/share
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ros/indigo/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/lib
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/site-packages
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo
touch /opt/ros/indigo/.catkin
Lukas Bulwahn
If you want to use the roswtf utility for diagnostics and experience an
exception like
rospkg.os_detect.OsNotDetected: Could not detect OS, tried ['windows', 'ubuntu', 'slackware', 'rhel', 'qnx', 'osx', 'opensuse', 'opensuse', 'mint', 'linaro', 'gentoo', 'funtoo', 'freebsd', 'fedora', 'elementary', 'debian', 'cygwin', 'centos', 'arch']
then you need to set `ROS_OS_OVERRIDE` to one of the listed OS names, e.g.
export ROS_OS_OVERRIDE=ubuntu
And since Yocto-based distributions are not supported by the `rospkg`
library you have to interpret roswtf's output by translating Ubuntu
package names manually to their corresponding package/recipe names that
were chosen in the meta-ros layer.
The meta-ros layers only includes a subset of the officially released ROS
packages, available from The here provided ROS packages
are mainly driven by the current users' needs.
For ROS packages that depend on cv-bridge, the commercial license flag
must be whitelisted, as cv-bridge depends on opencv, and opencv by
default depends on libav that has special terms and conditions when used
This can be done by adding to the local.conf the line:
Alternatively, the dependency from opencv on libav can be explicit excluded
by modifying the PACKAGECONFIG setting.
All metadata is MIT licensed unless otherwise stated. Source code included
in tree for individual recipes is under the LICENSE stated in each recipe
(.bb file) unless otherwise stated.
The descriptions in the recipes of ROS packages have been extracted from
the ROS wiki ( and are licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (
unless otherwise noted.
This README document is Copyright (C) 2012 BMW Car IT GmbH.
The log4cxx recipe originated from the recipe in the OpenEmbedded (Classic) Development
licensed with the MIT License.
The yaml-cpp recipe originated from the recipe in Kartik Mohta's OpenEmbedded layer
licensed with the MIT License.
The poco recipe is a copy of the poco recipe in the meta-oe layer licensed with the MIT License
The recipe is included in the meta-ros layer to support the use of older versions of the meta-oe layer.
The core-image-ros-* recipes originated from the core-image-minimal recipe in OpenEmbedded Core
licensed with the MIT License.
The original or modified files are redistributed here under the same MIT License.