- Apr 09, 2014
Lukas Bulwahn authored
- Mar 20, 2014
Lukas Bulwahn authored
- Mar 04, 2014
Lukas Bulwahn authored
- Oct 15, 2013
Lukas Bulwahn authored
- Oct 14, 2013
Lukas Bulwahn authored
The ros-control recipes are updated to 0.5.8 to be in line with https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/74f48fa69eeb1cb1d69f2d2f694cdf2fdfc9b40a/hydro/release.yaml. The applied patches are merged upstream in 0.5.8 and were removed.
- Sep 22, 2013
vmayoral authored
A set of packages that include controller interfaces, controller managers, transmissions, hardware_interfaces and the control_toolbox. The ros_control packages takes as input the joint state data from your robot's actuator's encoders and an input set point. It uses a generic control loop feedback mechanism, typically a PID controller, to control the output, typically effort, sent to your actuators. ros_control gets more complicated for physical mechanisms that do not have one-to-one mappings of joint positions, efforts, etc but theses scenarios are accounted for using transmissions.