Lukas Bulwahn authored
The native packages are not required anymore, because the needed python scripts during compile time are also provided by the cross-compiled packages and the python scripts are platform independent. Only the catkin package is provided as native package.
Lukas Bulwahn authoredThe native packages are not required anymore, because the needed python scripts during compile time are also provided by the cross-compiled packages and the python scripts are platform independent. Only the catkin package is provided as native package.
rosgraph-msgs_1.9.49.bb 318 B
DESCRIPTION = "C++ ROS message and service generators."
SECTION = "devel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://package.xml;beginline=8;endline=8;md5=d566ef916e9dedc494f5f793a6690ba5"
DEPENDS = "message-generation message-runtime std-msgs roscpp-serialization"
require ros-comm.inc
ROS_PKG_SUBDIR = "messages"