Lukas Bulwahn authored
catkin is a build tool based on cmake and requires the common build tools to work properly.
Lukas Bulwahn authoredcatkin is a build tool based on cmake and requires the common build tools to work properly.
catkin_git.bb 919 B
DESCRIPTION = "Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS"
SECTION = "devel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://package.xml;beginline=7;endline=7;md5=d566ef916e9dedc494f5f793a6690ba5"
DEPENDS = "cmake python-empy python-catkin-pkg"
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "cmake packagegroup-core-buildessential \
python-catkin-pkg python-argparse python-multiprocessing \
python-shell python-subprocess python-xml"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/ros/${BPN}.git \
file://0001-CATKIN_WORKSPACES-Don-t-require-.catkin-file.patch \
SRCREV = "041f6fc530b56cb6664824db399416f17c1961dd"
PV = "0.5.64+gitr${SRCPV}"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit catkin
FILES_${PN}-dev += "\
${datadir}/eigen/cmake \
${datadir}/ros/cmake \
${prefix}/.catkin \
${prefix}/.rosinstall \
${prefix}/_setup_util.py \
${prefix}/env.sh \
${prefix}/setup.* \