Lukas Bulwahn authoredLukas Bulwahn authored
README.af_yocto 1.40 KiB
This document describes the installation, use and content of the git repository af_yocto.
The repository only contains our contributions to the existing yocto poky-danny-8.0 archive.
To obtain all files, unpack http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-1.3/poky-danny-8.0.tar.bz2 into this repository.
The commands
source oe-init-build-env
bitbake core-image-bmw
builds our specifically configured linux image.
With `runqemu qemux86-64 core-image-bmw` the linux image runs within a virtual machine.
We assume that this is running on and compiled for an x86-64 architecture. For other architectures, some settings must be adjusted.
CONTENT of the repository:
.gitignore list of filenames of the poky-danny-8.0 release to ignore. Adjust file to track newly added recipes.
build/conf/bblayers.conf setting files for building image
meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-bmw.bb recipe for our own core image (derived from core-image-minimal)
meta/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyyaml_3.10.bb recipe for pyyaml python library
meta/recipes-devtools/python/python-rospkg_1.0.15.bb recipe for rospkg tool
- recipes for python-pyyaml and python-rospkg create invalid shell scripts
(header line refers to python-native instead of python.)
- Yocto: python-setuptools requires python-modules at run-time.