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Astar correct

Merged Pierre Adorni requested to merge astar_correct into main
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package main
import (
ebitenvector ""
_map ""
const SCREEN_WIDTH = 700
const SCREEN_HEIGHT = 700
func signedAcos(x float64) float64 {
unsignedAcos := math.Acos(x)
if x >= 0 {
return unsignedAcos
} else {
return -unsignedAcos
type View struct {
Environment [][]uint8
start jps.Node
goal jps.Node
waypoints []jps.Node
Walls [][2]int
type Agent struct {
x, y, vx, vy, gx, gy, speed, reactivity float64 // je pense qu'on peut retirer les vx, vy, gx, gy, tx, ty des attributs
tx, ty float64
controllable bool
path []*astar.Node
currentWayPoint int
goal *astar.Node
start *astar.Node
channelAgent chan []*Agent
channelMur chan [][2]int
picMap *astar.Map
func (a *Agent) run() {
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
func MapToAstarGrid(m _map.Map) [][]uint8 {
// Create an empty grid
grid := make([][]uint8, m.Height)
fmt.Println("Height : ", m.Height)
fmt.Println("Width : ", m.Width)
for i := range grid {
grid[i] = make([]uint8, m.Width)
type Simulation struct {
agents []*Agent
nAgents int
walls [][2]int
m *astar.Map
func (s *Simulation) Start() {
for i := 0; i < s.nAgents; i++ {
go s.agents[i].run()
// Fill the grid with walls
for _, wall := range m.Walls {
grid[wall[1]][wall[0]] = 1
return grid
func NewAgent(xStart, yStart float64, xGoal, yGoal int, picMap *astar.Map) *Agent {
return &Agent{
x: xStart,
y: yStart,
speed: 2,
reactivity: 1,
controllable: true,
channelAgent: make(chan []*Agent, 1),
channelMur: make(chan [][2]int, 1),
start: &astar.Node{Pos: astar.Position{X: int(xStart), Y: int(yStart)}},
goal: &astar.Node{Pos: astar.Position{X: xGoal, Y: yGoal}},
picMap: picMap,
func PrintGrid(grid [][]uint8) {
fmt.Println("Grid : ")
for _, row := range grid {
func (a *Agent) calculatePath() error {
// find route to goal
walls := a.picMap.GetListWalls()
closeWalls := make([][2]int, 0)
func MaxIndexWalls(walls [][2]int) (int, int) {
maxX := 0
maxY := 0
for _, wall := range walls {
normeEucli := math.Sqrt((float64(wall[0]*7)+3.5-a.x)*(float64(wall[0]*7)+3.5-a.x) + (float64(wall[1]*7)+3.5-a.y)*(float64(wall[1]*7)+3.5-a.y))
if normeEucli < 50 {
closeWalls = append(closeWalls, wall)
if wall[0] > maxX {
maxX = wall[0]
if wall[1] > maxY {
maxY = wall[1]
searcher := astar.NewJumpPointSearch(a.picMap, a.start, a.goal)
path, found := searcher.Search()
if !found {
return errors.New("no path found")
a.path = path
fmt.Printf("path calculated, len=%d\n", len(a.path))
a.currentWayPoint = 1
return nil
return maxX, maxY
func (a *Agent) calculatePosition() error {
var wayPoint *astar.Node
// move agent towards current waypoint at a speed of 2px per frame
if a.currentWayPoint < len(a.path) {
wayPoint = a.path[a.currentWayPoint]
a.vx = float64(wayPoint.Pos.X*7) + 3.5 - a.x
a.vy = float64(wayPoint.Pos.Y*7) + 3.5 - a.y
vNorm := math.Sqrt(a.vx*a.vx + a.vy*a.vy)
a.vx = a.vx / vNorm
a.vy = a.vy / vNorm
//prise en compte des murs
var vectx, vecty, normeEucli, reactionMurX, reactionMurY float64
var listeMur [][2]int
listeMur = <-a.channelMur
for _, mur := range listeMur {
vectx = float64(mur[0])*7 + 3.5 - a.x
vecty = float64(mur[1])*7 + 3.5 - a.y
normeEucli = math.Sqrt((float64(mur[0]*7)+3.5-a.x)*(float64(mur[0]*7)+3.5-a.x) + (float64(mur[1]*7)+3.5-a.y)*(float64(mur[1]*7)+3.5-a.y))
vectx = vectx / normeEucli
vecty = vecty / normeEucli
reactionMurX = vectx * (3 * math.Exp(-normeEucli/2)) * 10
reactionMurY = vecty * (3 * math.Exp(-normeEucli/2)) * 10
a.vx -= reactionMurX
a.vy -= reactionMurY
// change velocity to avoid other agents following moussaïd 2009
var closeAgents []*Agent
closeAgents = <-a.channelAgent
for _, otherAgent := range closeAgents {
lambda := 2.0
A := 4.5
gamma := 0.35
n := 2.0
np := 3.0
factor := 0.15
//pour ne pas recalculer la distance on pourrait la passé dans le channel via un dictionnaire ? A discuter
dist := math.Sqrt((a.x*factor-otherAgent.x*factor)*(a.x*factor-otherAgent.x*factor) + (a.y*factor-otherAgent.y*factor)*(a.y*factor-otherAgent.y*factor))
ex := (otherAgent.x*factor - a.x*factor) / dist
ey := (otherAgent.y*factor - a.y*factor) / dist
Dx := lambda*(a.vx*factor-otherAgent.vx*factor) + ex
Dy := lambda*(a.vy*factor-otherAgent.vy*factor) + ey
DNorm := math.Sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy)
tx := Dx / DNorm
ty := Dy / DNorm
// nx, ny is the normal vector to tx,ty pointing to the left
nx := ty
ny := -tx
a.tx = nx
a.ty = ny
//theta := math.Acos(math.Min(math.Max(ex*tx+ey*ty, -1), 1)) / (2 * math.Pi) * 360
theta := signedAcos(math.Min(math.Max(ex*tx+ey*ty, -1), 1))
B := gamma * DNorm
addedToVX := -A * math.Exp(-dist/B) * (math.Exp(-math.Pow(np*B*theta, 2))*tx + math.Exp(-math.Pow(n*B*theta, 2))*nx) / factor
addedToVY := -A * math.Exp(-dist/B) * (math.Exp(-math.Pow(np*B*theta, 2))*ty + math.Exp(-math.Pow(n*B*theta, 2))*ny) / factor
// safeguard against too big values
if addedToVX > 10 {
addedToVX = 0
if addedToVY > 10 {
addedToVY = 0
func (v *View) Update() error {
// on press space, generate new start and goal
if inpututil.IsKeyJustPressed(ebiten.KeySpace) {
randX, randY := simulation.GenerateValidCoordinates(v.Walls, len(v.Environment[0]), len(v.Environment))
v.start = jps.GetNode(int(randX), int(randY))
randX, randY = simulation.GenerateValidCoordinates(v.Walls, len(v.Environment[0]), len(v.Environment))
v.goal = jps.GetNode(int(randX), int(randY))
path, err := jps.AStarWithJump(v.Environment, v.start, v.goal, 1)
if err == nil {
v.waypoints = path.Nodes
for _, node := range path.Nodes {
fmt.Printf("%d %d -> ", node.GetRow(), node.GetCol())
a.vx += addedToVX
a.vy += addedToVY
a.x += a.vx
a.y += a.vy
//passage à l'étape d'après :
if math.Sqrt((float64(wayPoint.Pos.X*7)+3.5-a.x)*(float64(wayPoint.Pos.X*7)+3.5-a.x)+(float64(wayPoint.Pos.Y*7)+3.5-a.y)*(float64(wayPoint.Pos.Y*7)+3.5-a.y)) < 2 {
} else {
v.waypoints = nil
//log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
} else {
return nil
type Vue struct {
agents []*Agent
nAgents int
walls [][2]int
m *astar.Map
func (s *Vue) Update() error {
return nil
func (s *Vue) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
func (v *View) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
// fill white
// draw walls (7px thick)
for _, wall := range s.walls {
for _, wall := range v.Walls {
ebitenvector.DrawFilledRect(screen, float32(wall[0]*7), float32(wall[1]*7), 7, 7, colornames.Black, false)
//draw agents, their position and their goals
for i := 0; i < s.nAgents; i++ {
// draw red circle for goal (99,99)
ebitenvector.DrawFilledCircle(screen, float32(s.agents[i].goal.Pos.X*7), float32(s.agents[i].goal.Pos.Y*7), 4, colornames.Red, false)
// draw agent
ebitenvector.DrawFilledCircle(screen, float32(s.agents[i].x), float32(s.agents[i].y), 4, colornames.Blue, false)
// draw lines between waypoints
for j := 0; j < len(s.agents[i].path)-1; j++ {
ebitenvector.StrokeLine(screen, float32(s.agents[i].path[j].Pos.X*7)+3.5, float32(s.agents[i].path[j].Pos.Y*7)+3.5, float32(s.agents[i].path[j+1].Pos.X*7)+3.5, float32(s.agents[i].path[j+1].Pos.Y*7)+3.5, 1, colornames.Green, false)
for _, mur := range s.walls {
normeEucli := math.Sqrt((float64(mur[0]*7)+3.5-s.agents[i].x)*(float64(mur[0]*7)+3.5-s.agents[i].x) + (float64(mur[1]*7)+3.5-s.agents[i].y)*(float64(mur[1]*7)+3.5-s.agents[i].y))
if normeEucli < 50 {
color := colornames.Blue
color.A = 50
//color.R -= uint8(normeEucli / 5)
//color.G -= uint8(normeEucli / 5)
//color.B -= uint8(normeEucli / 5)
ebitenvector.StrokeLine(screen, float32(s.agents[i].x), float32(s.agents[i].y), float32(mur[0])*7+3.5, float32(mur[1])*7+3.5, 1, color, false)
// draw start and goal
ebitenvector.DrawFilledRect(screen, float32(v.start.GetCol()*7), float32(v.start.GetRow()*7), 7, 7, colornames.Red, false)
ebitenvector.DrawFilledRect(screen, float32(v.goal.GetCol()*7), float32(v.goal.GetRow()*7), 7, 7, colornames.Blue, false)
// draw lines between future waypoints
for j := 0; j < len(v.waypoints)-1; j++ {
ebitenvector.StrokeLine(screen, float32(v.waypoints[j].GetCol()*7)+3.5, float32(v.waypoints[j].GetRow()*7)+3.5, float32(v.waypoints[j+1].GetCol()*7)+3.5, float32(v.waypoints[j+1].GetRow()*7)+3.5, 1, colornames.Black, false)
// Layout takes the outside size (e.g., the window size) and returns the (logical) screen size.
// If you don't have to adjust the screen size with the outside size, just return a fixed size.
func (s *Vue) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (screenWidth, screenHeight int) {
func (v *View) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (screenWidth, screenHeight int) {
return 700, 700
func main() {
// Specify the window size as you like. Here, a doubled size is specified.
// load map from file
testmap := _map.Map{}
err := testmap.LoadFromFile("testmap")
if err != nil {
m := astar.NewMap(100, 100)
for _, wall := range testmap.Walls {
m.SetCell(astar.Position{X: wall[0], Y: wall[1]}, astar.WallCell)
maptest := _map.Map{}
errLoad := maptest.LoadFromFile("testmap")
if errLoad != nil {
nAgents := 10
agents := make([]*Agent, nAgents)
for i := 0; i < nAgents; i++ {
agents[i] = NewAgent(float64(70+35*i), float64(70), 99, 99, m)
vue := Vue{
agents: agents,
nAgents: nAgents,
walls: testmap.Walls,
astarMap := MapToAstarGrid(maptest)
var Nodes []jps.Node
randX, randY := simulation.GenerateValidCoordinates(maptest.Walls, maptest.Width, maptest.Height)
start := jps.GetNode(int(randY), int(randX))
randX, randY = simulation.GenerateValidCoordinates(maptest.Walls, maptest.Width, maptest.Height)
end := jps.GetNode(int(randY), int(randX))
fmt.Println("Start : ", start.GetRow(), start.GetCol())
fmt.Println("End : ", end.GetRow(), end.GetCol())
path, err := jps.AStarWithJump(astarMap, start, end, 1)
if err == nil {
Nodes = path.Nodes
for _, node := range path.Nodes {
fmt.Printf("%d %d -> ", node.GetRow(), node.GetCol())
} else {
Nodes = nil
//log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
// calculate path for each agent
for i := 0; i < vue.nAgents; i++ {
//run ebiten
ebiten.SetWindowSize(700, 700)
view := &View{
Environment: astarMap,
start: start,
goal: end,
waypoints: Nodes,
Walls: maptest.Walls,
// Call ebiten.RunGame to start your game loop.
if err := ebiten.RunGame(&vue); err != nil {
if err := ebiten.RunGame(view); err != nil {