If you are reporting an issue, please click the links below and your issue will be prefilled with our template. You need to replace the parts of the template where you see `{{some text}}`.
-[Bug](../../issues/new?title={{Brief description of your bug}}&body=**Version**%0A{{branch}} at {{commit}} on {{version - found in your copy of the VERSION file}} %0A%0A**Steps to reproduce the bug**%0A{{steps}}%0A%0A**Expected behaviour**%0A{{feature}} should be {{expectedResult}} because {{reason}}.%0A%0A**Actual behaviour**%0A{{feature}} is {{actualResult}}.%0A%0A**Server information**%0A{{database}} with {{authentication}}.%0A%0A**Client information**%0AOS: {{operatingSystem}}%0ABrowser: {{browser}} version 1.0.1%0A%0A**Additional information**%0A{{additionalInfo}}): reports an feature that is not working as expected.
-[Enhancement](../../issues/new?title={{Brief description of your enhancement}}&body=**Motive**%0A{{why the enhancement is needed}}%0A%0A**Result**%0A{{what the enhancement is}}%0A%0A**Additional information**%0A{{additionalInfo}}): requests a removal, addition, or change of a feature.
-[Question](../../issues/new?title={{Brief description of your question}}&body={{question}}%3F): asks how a feature should be used or what the feature does.
### Code Structure
Repository = Data layer = Reads and writes data from a location (variable/DB/external API/etc).
Service = Business layer = Operates on data and transforms data from a given structure to a required structure.