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Gaëtan Blond's avatar

Updates Notifier

Sends an email and a message in Mattermost to alert when new versions of tools are available.

Initial credit goes to Romain De Laage.

How to install

Let's say you want to install updates-notifier==X.Y.Z.

With Docker/Podman

The container image is based on Alpine linux, and weights arround 90Mo. For a list of available tags, see here.

# No login is required to pull the image
docker pull

The docker path is quite different from the others installation ways, because it is already configured to run as a cron using supercronic. You can use directly this program by overriding the default container command when using docker run.

With Python wheel

If using PIP (please make sure pip, setuptools, and wheel packages are up to date):

pip install updates-notifier==X.Y.Z --extra-index-url

Manual install from source

  1. Install and configure poetry if you don’t have it already :
    curl -sSL | python -
  2. Checkout the tag associated with the version if you want a specific one
    git checkout X.Y.Z
  3. Run poetry install in your shell. It should create a virtualenv and install all dependencies in it. To activate the virtualenv, run poetry shell.

Note that this project requires at least Python 3.10, but may work with older versions by adjusting the dependencies' version.

How to use

$ --help

  FEEDS_CFG:  Path to the YAML file containing the feeds' parameters
  DB_PATH: Path to the SQLite3 database file

  -d, --dry-run    Search for new updates, but no db updates or
  -v, --verbose    Toggle debug output
  --no-email       Do not send email
  --no-mattermost  Do not send a Mattermost message
  --help           Show this message and exit.

You will also need to setup the following environment variables :

Name Description
MAIL_HOST SMTP server host
MAIL_PORT SMTP server port
MAIL_PASSWORD SMTP password associated to $MAIL_USER
MAIL_SUBJECT Subject of the notification email
MAIL_TO Recipients of the notification email
MAIL_FROM Sender of the notification email
MM_SERVER_HOST Mattermost server hostname
MM_CHANNEL_ID Mattermost channel ID where to send the notification
MM_TOKEN Mattermost access token

A working example of configuration is available in this repository.

How to build the Python wheel

Simply run poetry build. The standard wheel with an auto-generated old-school is then available in the dist/ folder.