@@ -19,12 +19,6 @@ Configuration for InfluxDB is under the `influxdb` key. It is a simple object wi
-`password` : Password for the user
-`database` : Database to use
### Docker
A simple Docker image is provided in order to run this bot on a regular basis. It is a simple Python 3 (Alpine based) Docker image with all the requirements. The entrypoint is quite simple : a while loop that call the `main.py` script and sleep for some times. The interval to sleep between each calls can be configured with the environment variable `INTERVAL_SECONDS` (default to `60`).
Also, don't forget to mount your configuration file on `/code/config/config.json`
## Modules
This bot is modular : each module provide an interface allow to collect metrics for a service. The main function use those modules and push all data to InfluxDB.