# This is an example with common values.
# Depending on the context, you may no have
# to use them all : maybe you don't need
# volumes of Traefik, feel free to remove
# everything you don't need or understand
# to suit your needs.
# Don't hesitate to ask to the tech team.
# Also use a name so that Docker Compose does not add
# the current folder name
# Use as many volumes as you want : one for
# data, one for configuration, etc.
name: data
# Best pratice : put all services that do not need
# to be exposed on the Internet in a separate network
# This is the reverse-proxy default network : put all services
# that need to be served via Traefik in this network
external: true
# Main application
# This is the name of the image
# which will be built on the registry
# Never use latest as a tag
# Use a comprehensive name for easy
# understanding of `docker ps` output
container_name: app
# If the container has to be reached from
# the Internet, put in docker_default
# Otherwise, just in its own network
- docker_default
- app
# Mount the Docker Volume in the container
# to persist the data. The mount point
# is service-dependant.
- data:/mount_point
# Exemple of mounting a file for configuration.
# This is not a Docker volume, but a versionned
# file is this repository.
- ./config.json:/config.json
# Don't put the .example extension, the real
# file will be a copy with real values
- ./secrets/myservices.secrets
# If the service needs to be reachable from the
# Internet via HTTPS, enable Traefik and tell
# it the base URL of all requests which will be
# redirected to this container.
# Change the port to the exposed port of the
# container.
traefik.enable: true
traefik.frontend.rule: ""
traefik.port: 80
# If the service has a database,
# tell Compose that it depends on it (i.e.)
# should be launched if the service is launched
- db
# This avoid restarting a container on
# startup when it has been explicitly stopped
restart: unless-stopped
# Some services have a database : here is an example
container_name: db
# Database secrets should be in a separate file
- ./secrets/myservices_db.secrets
# The database should NOT be reachable
# from the outside : only from the main container
- app
restart: unless-stopped