Redimensionner la grille depuis les infos de l'UI
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- Eugene Pin assigned to @pineugen
assigned to @pineugen
- Eugene Pin added To Do label
added To Do label
- Author Maintainer
Redimensionnement possible de la grille mais pas de conservation de l'état des cellules
- Eugene Pin added 3h 15m of time spent at 2021-05-20
added 3h 15m of time spent at 2021-05-20
- Eugene Pin mentioned in commit 6a4ad98a
mentioned in commit 6a4ad98a
- Eugene Pin mentioned in commit 1c7fd3f8
mentioned in commit 1c7fd3f8
- Author Maintainer
Conservation des états des cellules. Redimensionnement en partant du coin en bas à droite de la grille
- Eugene Pin added 15m of time spent at 2021-05-20
added 15m of time spent at 2021-05-20
- Eugene Pin closed
- Eugene Pin mentioned in commit 8b139896
mentioned in commit 8b139896
- Eugene Pin added 30m of time spent
added 30m of time spent
- Author Maintainer
Retirer 30 min. Je me suis trompé d'issue
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