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  • Sego_models_modif
  • currencies_ok_before_git_magic
  • feature/coverPhoto
  • feature/currencies/loadexternal
  • loadExternalUTc
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Feb262421111087617Sep1615141312111098765432130Aug292827262524232221201918175May25Apr2423223131Mar23Removed comment from UniversityGeneralNew Editor setup operationnal on universityGeneralInfoMerge branch 'handle_money_in_markdown' into 'master'Cleaned UnivMapUpdated markdown component to support money tags and conversion infoModified parseMoney not to parse money in codeAdded parseMoney function and test for #35Merge branch 'clean_mydotdotdot_in_code' into 'master'Removed custom... from frontend, use of super insteadRemoved extend_queryset and my_model_queryset; use of standard superRenamed my_pre_save to do_before_saveRemoved my_save from MyModel filesRemoved my_validate from django models, make use of super insteadMerge branch 'add_frontend_testing' into 'master'Added a bit of documentation regarding frontend testingAdded jest for frontend testing. CI updated accordingly.Merge branch 'clean_django_settings' into 'master'More robust django settings and removed STATICFILES_DIRSMerge branch 'remove_frontend_app_django' into 'master'Closes #63Merge branch 'fix_react_warnings' into 'master'Fixed #49Fixed warning realted to whitespace in Markdown component.Merge branch 'cleaning' into 'master'CleaningFinal modification to fix #16Merge branch 'fix_doc_uml' into 'master'Updated CI for UML generationFixed UML generation locallyMerge branch 'cleaning' into 'master'Updated python depenciesUdated critical node packagesUpdated non critical node modulesFixed django static files handlingFixed webpack stats capabilitiesUpdated react-redux version to latestUpdated frontend to more standard REST APIBackend updated for #48Fixes #47Cleaned .vscode file