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  • wilsonba/polling-server-ia-04
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# IA04binôme2A
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package ballotagent
import (
rad "" // à remplacer par le nom du dossier actuel
type BallotServerAgent struct {
id string
reqCount int
addr string
ballots map[rad.Ballot]BallotInfo
func NewBallotServerAgent(addr string) *BallotServerAgent {
return &BallotServerAgent{id: addr, addr: addr}
// Test de la méthode
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) checkMethod(method string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
if r.Method != method {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "method %q not allowed", r.Method)
return false
return true
func decodeRequest[Req rad.Request](r *http.Request) (req Req, err error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err = json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &req)
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) doReqcount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !rsa.checkMethod("GET", w, r) {
defer rsa.Unlock()
serial, _ := json.Marshal(rsa.reqCount)
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) Start() {
// création du multiplexer
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/new_ballot", rsa.createBallot)
mux.HandleFunc("/vote", rsa.receiveVote)
mux.HandleFunc("/result", rsa.sendResults)
rsa.ballots = make(map[rad.Ballot]BallotInfo)
// création du serveur http
s := &http.Server{
Addr: rsa.addr,
Handler: mux,
ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20}
// lancement du serveur
log.Println("Listening on", rsa.addr)
go log.Fatal(s.ListenAndServe())
package ballotagent
import (
rad ""
cs ""
type BallotInfo struct {
profile cs.Profile
options [][]int
votersId []string
nbAlts int
isOpen bool
results rad.ResultResponse
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) createBallot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// mise à jour du nombre de requêtes
defer rsa.Unlock()
// vérification de la méthode de la requête
if !rsa.checkMethod("POST", w, r) {
// décodage de la requête
req, err := decodeRequest[rad.BallotRequest](r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, err.Error())
// Check for valid deadline formatting
deadline, errTime := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, req.Deadline)
if errTime != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("'%s' n'utilise pas le bon format, merci d'utiliser RFC3339 ", req.Deadline)
// Check if the deadline is in the future
if deadline.Before(time.Now()) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("'%s' est déjà passé ", req.Deadline)
// traitement de la requête
var resp rad.Ballot
resp.BallotID = fmt.Sprintf("scrutin%d", len(rsa.ballots)+1)
rsa.ballots[resp] = BallotInfo{
profile: make(cs.Profile, 0),
options: make([][]int, 0),
votersId: req.VotersID,
nbAlts: req.NbAlts,
isOpen: true,
results: rad.ResultResponse{}}
tb := make([]cs.Alternative, 0)
for _, alt := range req.TieBreak {
tb = append(tb, cs.Alternative(alt))
switch req.Rule {
case "majority":
go rsa.handleBallot(resp, cs.MajoritySWF, cs.MajoritySCF, tb, deadline)
case "borda":
go rsa.handleBallot(resp, cs.BordaSWF, cs.BordaSCF, tb, deadline)
case "approval":
go rsa.handleBallotWithSingleOption(resp, cs.ApprovalSWF, cs.ApprovalSCF, tb, deadline)
case "copeland":
go rsa.handleBallot(resp, cs.CopelandSWF, cs.CopelandSCF, tb, deadline)
case "stv":
go rsa.handleBallot(resp, cs.STV_SWF, cs.STV_SCF, tb, deadline)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Unkonwn rule '%s'", req.Rule)
serial, _ := json.Marshal(resp)
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) handleBallot(
ballot rad.Ballot,
swf func(cs.Profile) (cs.Count, error),
scf func(cs.Profile) ([]cs.Alternative, error),
orderedTBAlts []cs.Alternative,
deadline time.Time,
) {
targetBallot := rsa.ballots[ballot]
profile := targetBallot.profile
// If profile is empty, set winner as 0 and ranking as empty list
if len(profile) == 0 {
targetBallot.results = rad.ResultResponse{Winner: 0, Ranking: make([]int, 0)}
fmt.Println(ballot.BallotID, "n'a pas reçu de votes.")
tb := cs.TieBreakFactory(orderedTBAlts)
ballotSWF := cs.SWFFactory(swf, tb)
ballotSCF := cs.SCFFactory(scf, tb)
ranking, _ := ballotSWF(profile)
winner, err := ballotSCF(profile)
if err != nil {
intRanking := make([]int, 0)
for _, alt := range ranking {
intRanking = append(intRanking, int(alt))
rsa.ballots[ballot] = BallotInfo{
profile: profile,
options: targetBallot.options,
votersId: targetBallot.votersId,
nbAlts: targetBallot.nbAlts,
isOpen: false,
results: rad.ResultResponse{Winner: int(winner), Ranking: intRanking},
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) handleBallotWithSingleOption(
ballot rad.Ballot,
swf func(cs.Profile, []int) (cs.Count, error),
scf func(cs.Profile, []int) ([]cs.Alternative, error),
orderedTBAlts []cs.Alternative,
deadline time.Time,
) {
targetBallot := rsa.ballots[ballot]
targetBallot.isOpen = false
profile := targetBallot.profile
options := targetBallot.options
// If profile is empty, set winner as 0 and ranking as empty list
if len(profile) == 0 {
targetBallot.results = rad.ResultResponse{Winner: 0, Ranking: make([]int, 0)}
fmt.Println(ballot.BallotID, "n'a pas reçu de votes.")
// Only the fist element of the agents' options is filled/matters
singleOptions := make([]int, len(options))
for i, option := range options {
singleOptions[i] = option[0]
tb := cs.TieBreakFactory(orderedTBAlts)
ballotSWF := cs.SWFFactoryWithOptions(swf, tb)
ballotSCF := cs.SCFFactoryWithOptions(scf, tb)
ranking, _ := ballotSWF(profile, singleOptions)
winner, err := ballotSCF(profile, singleOptions)
if err != nil {
intRanking := make([]int, 0)
for _, alt := range ranking {
intRanking = append(intRanking, int(alt))
rsa.ballots[ballot] = BallotInfo{
profile: profile,
options: targetBallot.options,
votersId: targetBallot.votersId,
nbAlts: targetBallot.nbAlts,
isOpen: false,
results: rad.ResultResponse{Winner: int(winner), Ranking: intRanking},
package ballotagent
import (
rad ""
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) sendResults(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// mise à jour du nombre de requêtes
defer rsa.Unlock()
// vérification de la méthode de la requête
if !rsa.checkMethod("POST", w, r) {
// décodage de la requête
req, err := decodeRequest[rad.Ballot](r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, err.Error())
// recupération des infos
scrutin := req.BallotID
voteBallot := rad.Ballot{BallotID: scrutin}
ballots := make([]rad.Ballot, len(rsa.ballots))
// Check if ballot exists
i := 0
for k := range rsa.ballots {
ballots[i] = k
if !contains[rad.Ballot](ballots, voteBallot) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("The ballot '%s' does not exist", scrutin)
ballot := rsa.ballots[voteBallot]
// Check que la deadline n'est pas déjà passée
if ballot.isOpen {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("The ballot '%s' is not closed yet.", scrutin)
serial, _ := json.Marshal(rsa.ballots[voteBallot].results)
package ballotagent
import (
rad ""
cs ""
func contains[S string | rad.Ballot](s []S, e S) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func intToAlt(s []int) []cs.Alternative {
res := make([]cs.Alternative, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
res[i] = cs.Alternative(v)
return res
func removeFromSlice(slice []string, elem string) []string {
res := make([]string, 0)
i := 0
for _, el := range slice {
if el != elem {
res = append(res, el)
return res
func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) receiveVote(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// mise à jour du nombre de requêtes
defer rsa.Unlock()
// vérification de la méthode de la requête
if !rsa.checkMethod("POST", w, r) {
// décodage de la requête
req, err := decodeRequest[rad.Vote](r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, err.Error())
// recupération des infos
scrutin := req.BallotID
voteBallot := rad.Ballot{BallotID: scrutin}
ballots := make([]rad.Ballot, len(rsa.ballots))
// Check if ballot exists
i := 0
for k := range rsa.ballots {
ballots[i] = k
if !contains[rad.Ballot](ballots, voteBallot) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("The ballot '%s' does not exist", scrutin)
ballot := rsa.ballots[voteBallot]
// Check que la deadline n'est pas déjà passée
if !ballot.isOpen {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("The deadline has passed, the ballot '%s' is therefore closed.", scrutin)
// Check que l'agent fait bien partie des votants
if !contains(ballot.votersId, req.AgentID) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("The user '%s' has either already voted or cannot vote", req.AgentID)
// Check if vote is valid beforehand (don't want to register a vote that could break the results' calculation)
tempProf := make(cs.Profile, 1)
tempProf[0] = intToAlt(req.Prefs)
_, errPrefs := cs.MajoritySWF(tempProf)
if errPrefs != nil || len(req.Prefs) != ballot.nbAlts {
fmt.Fprint(w, errPrefs.Error())
// Register the vote
rsa.ballots[voteBallot] = BallotInfo{
profile: append(ballot.profile, intToAlt(req.Prefs)), // add preferences to profile
options: append(ballot.options, req.Options), // add options to all options
votersId: removeFromSlice(rsa.ballots[voteBallot].votersId, req.AgentID), // remove voter from the list of voters
nbAlts: rsa.ballots[voteBallot].nbAlts,
isOpen: true,
results: rad.ResultResponse{},
package voteragent
import (
rad ""
cs ""
type RestClientAgent struct {
id string
url string
scrutin string
nbAlts int
prefs []int
options []int
func NewRestClientAgent(id string, url string, scrutin string, nbAlts int, prefs []int, options []int) *RestClientAgent {
return &RestClientAgent{id, url, scrutin, nbAlts, prefs, options}
func (rca *RestClientAgent) vote() (err error) {
req := rad.Vote{
BallotID: rca.scrutin,
Prefs: rca.prefs,
Options: rca.options,
// sérialisation de la requête
url := rca.url + "/vote"
data, _ := json.Marshal(req)
// envoi de la requête
resp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(data))
// traitement de la réponse
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
err = fmt.Errorf("[%d] %s", resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
func (rca *RestClientAgent) Start() {
log.Printf("démarrage de %s",
prefs := make([]cs.Alternative, 0)
if len(rca.prefs) == 0 {
prefs = cs.GenerateProfile(1, rca.nbAlts)[0]
rca.prefs = make([]int, len(prefs))
for i, pref := range prefs {
rca.prefs[i] = int(pref)
if len(rca.options) == 0 {
rca.options = []int{1 + rand.Intn(rca.nbAlts-1)}
err :=
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(, "error:", err.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("[%s] voted in %s\n",, rca.scrutin)
package main
import (
ba ""
func main() {
server := ba.NewBallotServerAgent(":8080")
package main
import (
va ""
func main() {
ag := va.NewRestClientAgent("ag1", "http://localhost:8080", "scrutin1", 3, make([]int, 0), make([]int, 0))
package main
import (
func main() {
//Fonctions utilitaires
package comsoc
func Test1() {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
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// Vote par approbation
// thresholds est un slice d'entiers strictement positifs
func ApprovalSWF(p Profile, thresholds []int) (count Count, err error) {
count = make(Count)
err = checkProfileFromProfile(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//initialisation de la map : comptes à 0
count = make(Count)
for _,alt := range p[0]{
//actualisation du compte à l'aide du scrutin
for index, alt := range p {
for i := 0; i < thresholds[index]; i++ {
count[alt[i]] += 1
func ApprovalSCF(p Profile, thresholds []int) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
alts, err := ApprovalSWF(p, thresholds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bestAlts = maxCount(alts)
package comsoc
func BordaSWF(p Profile) (count Count, err error){
import (
func BordaSWF(p Profile) (count Count, err error) {
count = make(Count)
nAlts := len(p[0])
for _, row := range p{
for i:=0; i<nAlts;i++{
err = checkProfileFromProfile(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nAlts := len(p[0])
for _, row := range p {
for i := 0; i < nAlts; i++ {
count[row[i]] += nAlts - 1 - i
return count,nil
func BordaSCF(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
......@@ -17,14 +24,14 @@ func BordaSCF(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return maxCount(count), nil
return maxCount(count), err
func Test_borda(){
profil := GenerateProfile(3,5)
func Test_borda() {
profil := GenerateProfile(3, 5)
fmt.Println("Profil :", profil)
count,_ := BordaSWF(profil)
count, _ := BordaSWF(profil)
fmt.Println("Décompte :", count)
winners,_ := BordaSCF(profil)
winners, _ := BordaSCF(profil)
fmt.Println("Vainqueur(s) :", winners)
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package comsoc
\ No newline at end of file
package comsoc
import "errors"
// Gagnant de condorcet, retourne un slice vide ou de 1 élément
// A vérifier avec plus d'exemples
func CondorcetWinner(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
for _, alt1 := range p[0] {
winner := true
for _, alt2 := range p[0] {
if alt1 != alt2 {
nbAlt1 := 0
nbAlt2 := 0
for _, pref := range p {
if isPref(alt1, alt2, pref) {
} else {
if nbAlt1 <= nbAlt2 {
winner = false
if winner {
return []Alternative{alt1}, nil
return nil, errors.New("pas de gagnant de Condorcet")
package comsoc
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package comsoc
func CopelandSWF(p Profile) (count Count, err error) {
count = make(Count)
alts := make([]Alternative, 0)
for i := 1; i <= len(p[0]); i++ {
alts = append(alts, Alternative(i))
err = checkProfileAlternative(p, alts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for alt1 := 1; alt1 <= len(alts); alt1++ {
for alt2 := alt1 + 1; alt2 <= len(alts); alt2++ {
score1, score2 := 0, 0
for _, pref := range p {
if isPref(Alternative(alt1), Alternative(alt2), pref) {
} else {
if score1 > score2 {
} else if score2 > score1 {
func CopelandSCF(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
count, err := CopelandSWF(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return maxCount(count), err
package comsoc
import (
func GenerateProfile(nVoters int, nAlts int) {
func GenerateProfile(nVoters int, nAlts int)(profil Profile) {
// Initialisation du profil
profil := make([][]Alternative, nVoters)
profil = make([][]Alternative, nVoters)
for i := range profil {
profil[i] = make([]Alternative, nAlts)
......@@ -32,8 +31,5 @@ func GenerateProfile(nVoters int, nAlts int) {
// Remplit la ligne avec la permutation
copy(profil[i], permutation)
for _, row := range profil {
return profil
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package comsoc
import (
//cours TODO
func plusN (n int) (func (i int)(int)){
f:=func(i int) int {
return (i+n)
func plusN(n int) func(i int) int {
f := func(i int) int {
return (i + n)
return f
// renvoie l'indice ou se trouve alt dans prefs
func rank(alt Alternative, prefs []Alternative) int {
for i := 0; i < len(prefs);i++{
if prefs[i]==alt{
return i
return -1
func Test_rank(){
for i := 0; i < len(prefs); i++ {
if prefs[i] == alt {
return i
return -1
func Test_rank() {
tableau := []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
indice := rank(tableau[3],tableau)
indice := rank(tableau[3], tableau)
// renvoie vrai ssi alt1 est préférée à alt2
// renvoie vrai ssi alt1 est préférée à alt2
func isPref(alt1, alt2 Alternative, prefs []Alternative) bool {
// if (alt1 <0 || alt2 <0){
// return errors.New("l'une des deux valeurs n'est pas présente dans le tableau")
// }else {
return rank(alt1,prefs)<rank(alt2,prefs)
return rank(alt1, prefs) < rank(alt2, prefs)
// }
func Test_isPref(){
func Test_isPref() {
tableau := []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
alt1 := Alternative(1)
alt2 := Alternative(2)
response := isPref(alt1, alt2, tableau)
// renvoie les meilleures alternatives pour un décompte donné
func maxCount(count Count) (bestAlts []Alternative) {
for i, points := range count{
maxPoints := -1
for i, points := range count {
if points > maxPoints {
bestAlts = []Alternative{Alternative(i)}
maxPoints = points
}else if points == maxPoints{
} else if points == maxPoints {
bestAlts = append(bestAlts, Alternative(i))
return bestAlts
func Test_maxCount(){
func Test_maxCount() {
count := make(map[Alternative]int)
count[Alternative(1)] = 3
count[Alternative(2)] = 5
......@@ -63,25 +65,34 @@ func Test_maxCount(){
// // vérifie les préférences d'un agent, par ex.
//qu'ils sont tous complets et que chaque alternative n'apparaît qu'une seule fois
// // vérifie les préférences d'un agent, par ex.
// qu'ils sont tous complets et que chaque alternative n'apparaît qu'une seule fois
func checkProfile(prefs []Alternative, alts []Alternative) error {
if (len (prefs) < len(alts)){
return errors.New("Il manque des alternatives")
}else if(len (prefs)>len(alts)){
return errors.New("Il y a des alternatives en trop.")
}else{//vérifier complet
for _, element := range alts{
if len(prefs) < len(alts) {
return errors.New("préférences non complètes")
} else if len(prefs) > len(alts) {
return errors.New("alternatives en trop")
} else { //vérifier complet
for _, element := range alts {
if rank(element, prefs) == -1 {
return errors.New("au moins une alternative est absente des préférences")
return errors.New("une des alternatives est absente des préférences")
nApp := 0
for _, pref := range prefs {
if element == pref {
nApp += 1
if nApp != 1 {
return errors.New("une alternative apparait plusieurs fois")
return nil
return nil
func Test_checkProfile(){
func Test_checkProfile() {
alts := []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
//prefs := []Alternative{3, 1, 5, 2, 4}
//prefs := []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6}
......@@ -89,23 +100,41 @@ func Test_checkProfile(){
fmt.Println(checkProfile(prefs, alts))
// vérifie le profil donné, par ex. qu'ils sont tous complets
// vérifie le profil donné, par ex. qu'ils sont tous complets
// et que chaque alternative de alts apparaît exactement une fois par préférences
func checkProfileAlternative(prefs Profile, alts []Alternative) error {
for _, row := range prefs{
e:=checkProfile(row, alts)
if e != nil{
return e
for _, pref := range prefs {
return checkProfile(pref, alts)
return nil
func checkProfileFromProfile(prof Profile) (err error) {
alts := make([]Alternative, 0)
for i := 1; i <= len(prof[0]); i++ {
alts = append(alts, Alternative(i))
return nil
err = checkProfileAlternative(prof, alts)
func Test_checkProfileAlternative(){
func Test_checkProfileAlternative() {
alts := []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
pref1 := []Alternative{5, 2, 1, 4, 3}
pref1 := []Alternative{5, 3, 1, 4, 2}
pref2 := []Alternative{1, 5, 4, 3, 2}
Pref := [][]Alternative{pref1,pref2}
Pref := [][]Alternative{pref1, pref2}
profil := Profile(Pref)
fmt.Println(checkProfileAlternative(profil, alts))
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func Test_MajoritySWF() {
pref1 := []Alternative{1, 2, 3}
pref2 := []Alternative{2, 3, 1}
pref3 := []Alternative{3, 1, 2}
Pref := [][]Alternative{pref1, pref2, pref3}
profil := Profile(Pref)
c, _ := ApprovalSWF(profil, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
package comsoc
import ("fmt")
//majorité simple
// fonctions de bien-être social (social welfare function, SWF) :
// retournent un décompte à partir d'un profil
func MajoritySWF(p Profile) (count Count, err error){
//1) checkProfileAlternative(prefs Profile, alts []Alternative)
count := make(map[Alternative]int)
for _, row := range p{
// Majorité simple
func MajoritySWF(p Profile) (count Count, err error) {
err = checkProfileFromProfile(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return count
//initialisation de la map : comptes à 0
count = make(Count)
for _,alt := range p[0]{
//actualisation du compte à l'aide du scrutin
for _, pref := range p {
func MajoritySCF(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
count, err := MajoritySWF(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return maxCount(count), err
// fonctions de choix social (choix social, social choice function, SCF)
// renvoient uniquement les alternatives préférées.
func MajoritySCF(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error){}
func Test_majority() {
profil := GenerateProfile(3, 5)
fmt.Println("Profil :", profil)
count, _ := MajoritySWF(profil)
fmt.Println("Décompte :", count)
//winners, _ := MajoritySCF(profil)
//fmt.Println("Vainqueur(s) :", winners)
\ No newline at end of file
package comsoc
\ No newline at end of file
package comsoc
func getRandomKey(count Count) Alternative {
for k := range count {
return k
return 0 // should never happen
func countContains(count Count, alt Alternative) bool {
for k := range count {
if alt == k {
return true
return false
// renvoie une des pires alternatives pour un décompte donné
func minCount(count Count, alts []Alternative) (worstAlt Alternative) {
for _, alt := range alts {
if !countContains(count, alt) {
return alt
worstAlt = getRandomKey(count)
minPoints := count[worstAlt]
for i, points := range count {
if points < minPoints {
worstAlt = i
minPoints = points
return worstAlt
func STV_SWF(p Profile) (count Count, err error) {
count = make(Count)
alts := make([]Alternative, 0)
for i := 1; i <= len(p[0]); i++ {
alts = append(alts, Alternative(i))
err = checkProfileAlternative(p, alts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nbRounds := len(alts)
for round := 0; round < nbRounds; round++ {
majorityRes := make(Count)
for _, pref := range p {
worstAlt := minCount(majorityRes, alts)
count[worstAlt] = round
// On enlève la pire alt des alts
alts[rank(worstAlt, alts)] = alts[len(alts)-1]
alts = alts[:len(alts)-1]
// on enlève la pire alt de chacunes des preferences
for i, pref := range p {
pref[rank(worstAlt, pref)] = pref[len(pref)-1]
pref = pref[:len(pref)-1]
p[i] = pref
func STV_SCF(p Profile) (bestAlts []Alternative, err error) {
count, err := STV_SWF(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return maxCount(count), err
package comsoc
import "fmt"
func TieBreakFactory(orderedAlts []Alternative) func([]Alternative) (Alternative, error) {
return func(bestAlts []Alternative) (Alternative, error) {
bestAlt := bestAlts[0]
for _, alt := range bestAlts[1:] {
if isPref(alt, bestAlt, orderedAlts) {
bestAlt = alt
return bestAlt, nil
func Test_tieBreakFactory() {
orderedAlts := []Alternative{8, 9, 6, 1, 3, 2}
fmt.Println("Ordre strict :", orderedAlts)
lambda := TieBreakFactory(orderedAlts)
bestAlts := []Alternative{3, 6}
fmt.Println("Premières alternatives, à départager :", bestAlts)
bestAlt, _ := lambda(bestAlts)
fmt.Println("Première alternative :", bestAlt)
func SWFFactory(swf func(Profile) (Count, error), tb func([]Alternative) (Alternative, error)) func(Profile) ([]Alternative, error) {
return func(p Profile) ([]Alternative, error) {
//récupération du décompte
count, errSWF := swf(p)
if errSWF != nil {
return nil, errSWF
//préparation de la sortie
var sortedAlts []Alternative
for len(count) > 0 {
//On prend les meilleures alternatives (avant tie break)
bestAlts := maxCount(count)
//On supprime les meilleures alternatives du décompte
for alt := range bestAlts {
delete(count, Alternative(alt))
for len(bestAlts) > 0 {
bestAlt, errTB := tb(bestAlts)
if errTB != nil {
return nil, errTB
//ajout de la meilleure alternative post-tie break
sortedAlts = append(sortedAlts, bestAlt)
//suppression de l'alternative dans bestAlts
indice := rank(bestAlt, bestAlts)
bestAlts = append(bestAlts[:indice], bestAlts[indice+1:]...)
//suppression de l'alternativ dans le compte
delete(count, Alternative(bestAlt))
return sortedAlts, nil
func Test_sWFFactory() {
//Définition de l'Ordre strict
orderedAlts := []Alternative{8, 9, 6, 1, 3, 2}
fmt.Println("Ordre strict :", orderedAlts)
//Construction d'un profil avec alternatives ex aequo
profil := make([][]Alternative, 2)
profil[0] = []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
profil[1] = []Alternative{3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6}
fmt.Println("Profil :", profil)
//Construction de la fonction Tie Break
lambda := TieBreakFactory(orderedAlts)
//Construction de la Social Welfare Factory à partir de la fonction swf + la fonction de TieBreak
mu := SWFFactory(MajoritySWF, lambda)
// mu := SWFFactory(BordaSWF, lambda)
//Construction d'une fonction
sorted_alts, _ := mu(profil)
fmt.Println("Alternatives strictement ordonnées selon la méthode de Borda :", sorted_alts)
func SWFFactoryWithOptions(
swf func(Profile, []int) (Count, error),
tb func([]Alternative) (Alternative, error),
) func(Profile, []int) ([]Alternative, error) {
return func(p Profile, o []int) ([]Alternative, error) {
//récupération du décompte
count, errSWF := swf(p, o)
if errSWF != nil {
return nil, errSWF
//préparation de la sortie
var sortedAlts []Alternative
for len(count) > 0 {
//On prend les meilleures alternatives (avant tie break)
bestAlts := maxCount(count)
//On supprime les meilleures alternatives du décompte
for alt := range bestAlts {
delete(count, Alternative(alt))
for len(bestAlts) > 0 {
bestAlt, errTB := tb(bestAlts)
if errTB != nil {
return nil, errTB
//ajout de la meilleure alternative post-tie break
sortedAlts = append(sortedAlts, bestAlt)
//suppression de l'alternative dans bestAlts
indice := rank(bestAlt, bestAlts)
bestAlts = append(bestAlts[:indice], bestAlts[indice+1:]...)
//suppression de l'alternativ dans le compte
delete(count, Alternative(bestAlt))
return sortedAlts, nil
func SCFFactoryWithOptions(
scf func(Profile, []int) ([]Alternative, error),
tb func([]Alternative) (Alternative, error),
) func(Profile, []int) (Alternative, error) {
return func(p Profile, o []int) (Alternative, error) {
//récupération des meilleures alternatives
bestAlts, errSCF := scf(p, o)
if errSCF != nil {
return Alternative(0), errSCF
//récupération de la meilleure alternative
bestAlt, errTB := tb(bestAlts)
return bestAlt, errTB
func SCFFactory(scf func(p Profile) ([]Alternative, error), tb func([]Alternative) (Alternative, error)) func(Profile) (Alternative, error) {
return func(p Profile) (Alternative, error) {
//récupération des meilleures alternatives
bestAlts, errSCF := scf(p)
if errSCF != nil {
return Alternative(0), errSCF
//récupération de la meilleure alternative
bestAlt, errTB := tb(bestAlts)
return bestAlt, errTB
func Test_sCFFactory() {
//Définition de l'Ordre strict
orderedAlts := []Alternative{8, 9, 6, 1, 3, 2}
fmt.Println("Ordre strict :", orderedAlts)
//Construction d'un profil avec alternatives ex aequo
profil := make([][]Alternative, 2)
profil[0] = []Alternative{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
profil[1] = []Alternative{3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6}
fmt.Println("Profil :", profil)
//Construction de la fonction Tie Break
lambda := TieBreakFactory(orderedAlts)
mu := SCFFactory(BordaSCF, lambda)
//Construction d'une fonction
best_Alt, _ := mu(profil)
fmt.Println("Meilleure alternative selon la méthode de Borda :", best_Alt)
// version 2.0.0
package comsoc
import "testing"
func TestBordaSWF(t *testing.T) {
prefs := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{1, 2, 3},
{3, 2, 1},
res, _ := BordaSWF(prefs)
if res[1] != 4 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 1 should be 4, %d computed", res[1])
if res[2] != 3 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 2 should be 3, %d computed", res[2])
if res[3] != 2 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 3 should be 2, %d computed", res[3])
func TestBordaSCF(t *testing.T) {
prefs := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{1, 2, 3},
{3, 2, 1},
res, err := BordaSCF(prefs)
if err != nil {
if len(res) != 1 || res[0] != 1 {
t.Errorf("error, 1 should be the only best Alternative")
func TestMajoritySWF(t *testing.T) {
prefs := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{1, 2, 3},
{3, 2, 1},
res, _ := MajoritySWF(prefs)
if res[1] != 2 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 1 should be 2, %d computed", res[1])
if res[2] != 0 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 2 should be 0, %d computed", res[2])
if res[3] != 1 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 3 should be 1, %d computed", res[3])
func TestMajoritySCF(t *testing.T) {
prefs := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{1, 2, 3},
{3, 2, 1},
res, err := MajoritySCF(prefs)
if err != nil {
if len(res) != 1 || res[0] != 1 {
t.Errorf("error, 1 should be the only best Alternative")
func TestApprovalSWF(t *testing.T) {
prefs := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{1, 3, 2},
{2, 3, 1},
thresholds := []int{2, 1, 2}
res, _ := ApprovalSWF(prefs, thresholds)
if res[1] != 2 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 1 should be 2, %d computed", res[1])
if res[2] != 2 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 2 should be 2, %d computed", res[2])
if res[3] != 1 {
t.Errorf("error, result for 3 should be 1, %d computed", res[3])
func TestApprovalSCF(t *testing.T) {
prefs := [][]Alternative{
{1, 3, 2},
{1, 2, 3},
{2, 1, 3},
thresholds := []int{2, 1, 2}
res, err := ApprovalSCF(prefs, thresholds)
if err != nil {
if len(res) != 1 || res[0] != 1 {
t.Errorf("error, 1 should be the only best Alternative")
func TestCondorcetWinner(t *testing.T) {
prefs1 := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{1, 2, 3},
{3, 2, 1},
prefs2 := [][]Alternative{
{1, 2, 3},
{2, 3, 1},
{3, 1, 2},
res1, _ := CondorcetWinner(prefs1)
res2, _ := CondorcetWinner(prefs2)
if len(res1) == 0 || res1[0] != 1 {
t.Errorf("error, 1 should be the only best alternative for prefs1")
if len(res2) != 0 {
t.Errorf("no best alternative for prefs2")