Spring PetClinic Sample Application
What does it look like?
spring-petclinic has been deployed here on cloudfoundry: http://spring-petclinic.cloudfoundry.com/
Understanding the Spring Petclinic application with a few diagrams
Running petclinic locally
git clone https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-petclinic.git
mvn tomcat7:run
You can then access petclinic here: http://localhost:9966/petclinic/
Working with Petclinic in Eclipse/STS
The following items should be installed in your system:
- Maven 3 (http://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnref-book/reference/installation.html)
- git command line tool (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git)
- Eclipse with the m2e plugin (m2e is installed by default when using the STS (http://www.springsource.org/sts) distribution of Eclipse)
Note: when m2e is available, there is an m2 icon in Help -> About dialog. If m2e is not there, just follow the install process here: http://eclipse.org/m2e/download/
- In the command line
git clone https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-petclinic.git
- Inside Eclipse
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven project
Looking for something in particular?
Inside the 'Web' layer | Files |
Spring MVC- Atom integration | VetsAtomView.java mvc-view-config.xml |
Spring MVC - XML integration | mvc-view-config.xml |
Spring MVC - ContentNegotiatingViewResolver | mvc-view-config.xml |
Spring MVC Test Framework | VisitsViewTest.java |
JSP custom tags | WEB-INF/tags createOrUpdateOwnerForm.jsp |
webjars |
webjars declaration inside pom.xml Resource mapping in Spring configuration sample usage in JSP |
Dandelion | ownersList.jsp web.xml |
Thymeleaf branch | See here |
'Service' and 'Repository' layers | Files |
Transactions | business-config.xml ClinicServiceImpl.java |
Cache | tools-config.xml ClinicServiceImpl.java |
Bean Profiles | business-config.xml ClinicServiceJdbcTests.java web.xml |
JdbcTemplate | business-config.xml jdbc folder |
JPA | business-config.xml jpa folder |
Spring Data JPA | business-config.xml springdatajpa folder |
Others | Files |
Gradle branch | See here |