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Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Feb25Jan15141312111098731Dec3029222115141285432130Nov2922171514131226Oct2524231714131221Sep20195Jul130Jun27141196529May23201312111023Apr14126Mar21Jan20165Dec28Nov18Oct26Aug87Jul25Jun2131May1112Apr1123Mar324Feb316Dec1324Nov627Sep2525Aug109125Jul20171211130Jun281314128528May2725241997632126Apr252218155427Mar25201815141154126Feb2526252422212019161514131211108765131Jan30292822191817161514109Fix #40 Remove error logs from ApiGatewayApplicationTests (#45)#42 Add LICENSE (#43)Merge pull request #36 from arey/admin#27 Add buildDocker profile to the spring-petclinic-api-gatewayMerge pull request #39 from arey/Camden.SR4Upgrade to Spring Cloud Camden.SR4#27 Reference Admin server to the readme.mdMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into admin#27 Add Dockerfile#27 Show version in application list#27 Upgrade to Spring Boot Admin 1.4.5#27 Configure Logback’s JMXConfigurator#27 Rename spring-petclinic-admin to spring-petclinic-admin-server#27 Add the Jolokia dependency (remote JMX with JSON over HTTP)Merge pull request #34 from dsyer/feature/testsAdd some more integration testsMerge pull request #33 from dsyer/feature/wro4jConvert from NPM build to wro4j and webjarsMerge branch 'master' into adminMerge pull request #28 from mszarlinski/docker-composeMerge pull request #32 from arey/issues/31#31 Use @Slf4j annotation from LomnokMerge branch 'master' into adminFix #31 Services cannot contact with Zipkin serverInitialize Spring Boot adminParametrized artifact name in DockerfilesWaiting timeout increased to 60 secondsFixed tracing-server Dockerfile and waiting commandContainers startup coordination with wait-for-it.shBumped Docker plugin versionBuild Docker images only with "buildDocker" profilecloses #2 Starting services with docker-composeMerge pull request #30 from arey/monitoringRestore JMX monitoringMerge pull request #29 from arey/readmeRemove deprecated Eclipse documentation and convert HTML table to Markdown syntaxMerge pull request #26 from mszarlinski/local-config-repoUpdated README - local config repositoryFlatten package structure, removed Person, NamedEntity and BaseEntity super classescloses #16 Modernize Spring apps structure