# Distributed version of the Spring PetClinic Sample Application built with Spring Cloud
[]( [](
This microservices branch was initially derived from [AngularJS version]( to demonstrate how to split sample Spring application into [microservices]( To achieve that goal we used [Spring Cloud Netflix]( technology stack.
## Starting services locally without Docker
Every microservice is a Spring Boot application and can be started locally using IDE or `../mvnw spring-boot:run` command. Please note that supporting services (Config and Discovery Server) must be started before any other application (Customers, Vets, Visits and API).
Tracing server and Admin server startup is optional.
If everything goes well, you can access the following services at given location:
* Discovery Server - http://localhost:8761
* Config Server - http://localhost:8888
* AngularJS frontend (API Gateway) - http://localhost:8080
* Customers, Vets and Visits Services - random port, check Eureka Dashboard
* Tracing Server (Zipkin) - http://localhost:9411/zipkin/ (we use [openzipkin](
* Admin Server (Spring Boot Admin) - http://localhost:9090
* Hystrix Dashboard for Circuit Breaker pattern - http://localhost:7979 - On the home page is a form where you can enter
the URL for an event stream to monitor, for example the `api-gateway` service running locally: `http://localhost:8080/actuator/`
or running into docker: `http://api-gateway:8080/actuator/`
You can tell Config Server to use your local Git repository by using `local` Spring profile and setting
`GIT_REPO` environment variable, for example:
` -DGIT_REPO=/projects/spring-petclinic-microservices-config`
## Starting services locally with docker-compose
In order to start entire infrastructure using Docker, you have to build images by executing `./mvnw clean install -PbuildDocker`
from a project root. Once images are ready, you can start them with a single command
`docker-compose up`. Containers startup order is coordinated with [`dockerize` script](
After starting services it takes a while for API Gateway to be in sync with service registry,
so don't be scared of initial Zuul timeouts. You can track services availability using Eureka dashboard
available by default at http://localhost:8761.
*NOTE: Under MacOSX or Windows, make sure that the Docker VM has enough memory to run the microservices. The default settings
are usually not enough and make the `docker-compose up` painfully slow.*
## Understanding the Spring Petclinic application
[See the presentation of the Spring Petclinic Framework version](
[A blog bost introducing the Spring Petclinic Microsevices]( (french language)
You can then access petclinic here: http://localhost:8080/

**Architecture diagram of the Spring Petclinic Microservices**

Antoine Rey
## In case you find a bug/suggested improvement for Spring Petclinic Microservices
Our issue tracker is available here:
## Database configuration
In its default configuration, Petclinic uses an in-memory database (HSQLDB) which gets populated at startup with data.
A similar setup is provided for MySql in case a persistent database configuration is needed.
Dependency for Connector/J, the MySQL JDBC driver is already included in the `pom.xml` files.
### Start a MySql database
You may start a MySql database with docker:
docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=petclinic -e MYSQL_DATABASE=petclinic -p 3306:3306 mysql:5.7.8
or download and install the MySQL database (e.g., MySQL Community Server 5.7 GA), which can be found here:
### Use the Spring 'mysql' profile
To use a MySQL database, you have to start 3 microservices (`visits-service`, `customers-service` and `vets-services`)
with the `mysql` Spring profile. Add the `` as programm argument.
By default, at startup, database schema will be created and data will be populated.
You may also manualy create the PetClinic database and data by executing the `"db/mysql/{schema,data}.sql"` scripts of each 3 microservices.
In the `application.yml` of the [Configuration repository], set the `initialization-mode` to `never`.
If you are running the microservices with Docker, you have to add the `mysql` profile into the (Dockerfile)[docker/Dockerfile]:
In the `mysql section` of the `application.yml` from the [Configuration repository], you have to change
the host and port of your MySQL JDBC connection string.
Antoine Rey
## Looking for something in particular?
Antoine Rey
| Spring Cloud components | Resources |
| Configuration server | [Config server properties](spring-petclinic-config-server/src/main/resources/application.yml) and [Configuration repository] |
Antoine Rey
| Service Discovery | [Eureka server](spring-petclinic-discovery-server) and [Service discovery client](spring-petclinic-vets-service/src/main/java/org/springframework/samples/petclinic/vets/ |
| API Gateway | [Zuul reverse proxy](spring-petclinic-api-gateway/src/main/java/org/springframework/samples/petclinic/api/ and [Routing configuration]( |
| Docker Compose | [Spring Boot with Docker guide]( and [docker-compose file](docker-compose.yml) |
| Circuit Breaker | [Circuit Breaker with Hystrix guide]( and [fallback method configuration](spring-petclinic-api-gateway/src/main/java/org/springframework/samples/petclinic/api/application/ |
Antoine Rey
| Graphite Monitoring | TBD |
Antoine Rey
Front-end module | Files |
| Node and NPM | [The frontend-maven-plugin plugin downloads/installs Node and NPM locally then runs Bower and Gulp](spring-petclinic-ui/pom.xml) |
| Bower | [JavaScript libraries are defined by the manifest file bower.json](spring-petclinic-ui/bower.json) |
| Gulp | [Tasks automated by Gulp: minify CSS and JS, generate CSS from LESS, copy other static resources](spring-petclinic-ui/gulpfile.js) |
| Angular JS | [app.js, controllers and templates](spring-petclinic-ui/src/scripts/) |
## Interesting Spring Petclinic forks
The Spring Petclinic master branch in the main [spring-projects](
GitHub org is the "canonical" implementation, currently based on Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.
This [spring-petclinic-microservices]( project is one of the [several forks](
hosted in a special GitHub org: [spring-petclinic](
If you have a special interest in a different technology stack
that could be used to implement the Pet Clinic then please join the community there.
# Contributing
The [issue tracker]( is the preferred channel for bug reports, features requests and submitting pull requests.
Antoine Rey
For pull requests, editor preferences are available in the [editor config](.editorconfig) for easy use in common text editors. Read more and download plugins at <>.
[Configuration repository]: