RESOLVED ISSUES for native compilation: - recipes for python-pyyaml and python-rospkg create invalid shell scripts (header line refers to python-native instead of python.) RESOLVED by patching distutils class--has been committed to oe-core. - recipe for log4cxx requires another patch. RESOLVED by providing patch 0003 in recipe - Compilation with make fails in the virtual machine because of insufficient memory during compilation. RESOLVED by increasing memory. - rospkg modules are not found when runnning python. RESOLVED by using the dist_utils argument to use traditional packaging mechanism and avoid .egg files at all (suggested by Ross Burton) OPEN ISSUES for native compilation: - python-setuptools requires some python-modules at run-time. TEMPORARILY RESOLVED by adding all python-modules in the image SHOULD BE RESOLVED by creating an appropriate patch for python-setuptools and contributing to openembedded-core OPEN ISSUES for cross-compilation of ros-fuerte: - understand what rosinstall actually does - how fetch from multiple git repositories in one recipe?