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  • Florent Chehab's avatar
    Feature(deploy config) & tweaks · 6e2273e3
    Florent Chehab authored
    * Deployment is now fully automated with docker / docker-compose (Backend served through uWSGI with Nginx)
    * Logs are configured in django and handled by a dedicated docker service (and kept for 30 days)
    * Frontend crash logging handled through the backend
    * Quick documentation of the deploy setup
    Fixes #110 Fixes #66
    * Moved the envs directory to the more general server dir
    * New Picture and File model/serializer/viewset added
    * Image validator added (didn't use django image field as it wasn't supporting svg)
    * Removed symbolink of assets from the frontend in the backend to make sure we can boot the server in no time
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