version : "3.7" #Everything in this dockerfile is duplicated: there is a "standard" instance and a "week" instance. #Each one of them has its own 3 volumes, 2 networks and 3 containers. #The settings.json and settings_week.json in the directory of this docker-compose are bound (mounted) to the app containers. #It also requires the existence of "secret" files containing passwords. #This docker-compose requires the existence of an external network, "proxy". Traefik labels have been added, so "proxy" can be a traefik reverse-proxy. volumes: #DATABASES standard_db: name: etherpad-db-pg week_db: name: weekpad-db #BACKUP OF DELETED PADS standard_deleted-pads: name: deleted-pads-standard week_deleted-pads: name: deleted-pads-week #FOR SHARING THE API KEY between app and dpad (written to a text file by app) standard_api-key: name: etherpad_standard_api-key week_api-key: name: etherpad_week_api-key networks: #app-db: used by the app to query its postgresql database standard_app-db: name: etherpad_standard_app-queries-database week_app-db: name: etherpad_week_app-queries-database #dpad-app: used by the dpad script to query the app via its web API standard_dpad-app: name: etherpad_standard_dpad-queries-app week_dpad-app: name: etherpad_week-dpad-queries-app #this network has access to the apps, exposing their web frontends proxy: external: true services: standard_db: image: postgres:12 container_name: etherpad_standard_db volumes: - standard_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data env_file: ./secrets/etherpad-db.secrets networks: - standard_app-db restart: unless-stopped week_db: image: postgres:12 container_name: etherpad_week_db volumes: - week_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data env_file: ./secrets/etherpad-week-db.secrets networks: - week_app-db standard_app: image: build: . container_name: etherpad_standard_app env_file: ./secrets/etherpad-app.secrets volumes: - ./settings.json:/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json - standard_deleted-pads:/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads - standard_api-key:/mountedAPIkey command: ["--apikey", "/mountedAPIkey/APIKEY.txt"] labels: traefik.http.routers.etherpad-app.entrypoints: websecure traefik.http.routers.etherpad-app.rule: Host(``) 8080 traefik.enable: true environment: DB_HOST: "standard_db" LOGLEVEL: "INFO" MINIFY: "true" PORT: 8080 THEME: "colibris" TITLE: "Picapad" TRUST_PROXY: "true" networks: - proxy - standard_app-db - standard_dpad-app depends_on: - standard_db restart: unless-stopped week_app: image: container_name: etherpad_week_app build: . env_file: ./secrets/etherpad-week-app.secrets volumes: - ./settings_week.json:/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json - week_deleted-pads:/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads - week_api-key:/mountedAPIkey command: ["--apikey", "/mountedAPIkey/APIKEY.txt"] labels: traefik.http.routers.etherpad-week-app.entrypoints: websecure traefik.http.routers.etherpad-week-app.rule: Host(``) 8080 traefik.enable: true environment: DB_HOST: "week_db" LOGLEVEL: "INFO" MINIFY: "true" PORT: 8080 THEME: "colibris" TITLE: "Picapad Hebdo" TRUST_PROXY: "true" depends_on: - week_db networks: - proxy - week_app-db - week_dpad-app restart: unless-stopped # script COMPLEMENTARY to etherpad plugin ep_delete_after_delay standard_delete-pad-after-delay: build: context: volumes: - type: volume source: standard_api-key target: /mountedAPIkey read_only: true volume: nocopy: true - standard_deleted-pads:/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads networks: - standard_dpad-app environment: URL: "http://standard_app:8080" #must be coherent with etherpad-wee-app.environment.port DEL: 71712000 #in seconds (2 years). MUST be COHERENT with settings.json ep_delete_after_delay{ DIR: "/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads" APIKEY_PATH: "/mountedAPIkey/APIKEY.txt" container_name: etherpad_standard_delete-pad-after-delay depends_on: - standard_app # script COMPLEMENTARY to etherpad plugin ep_delete_after_delay week_delete-pad-after-delay: build: context: volumes: - type: volume source: week_api-key target: /mountedAPIkey read_only: true volume: nocopy: true - week_deleted-pads:/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads networks: - week_dpad-app environment: URL: "http://week_app:8080" #must be coherent with etherpad-wee-app.environment.port DEL: 1209600 #14 days. MUST be COHERENT with settings_week.json ep_delete_after_delay{ DIR: "/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads" APIKEY_PATH: "/mountedAPIkey/APIKEY.txt" container_name: etherpad_week_delete-pad-after-delay depends_on: - week_app