version : "3.7" volumes: db: name: etherpad-db-pg deleted-pads: name: deleted-pads-standard api-key: name: etherpad-api-key networks: app-db: name: etherpad-queries-database dpad-app: name: etherpad-dpad-queries-app proxy: external: true services: db: image: postgres:12 container_name: etherpad_db volumes: - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data env_file: ./secrets/etherpad-db.secrets networks: - app-db restart: unless-stopped app: image: build: .. container_name: etherpad_app env_file: ./secrets/etherpad-app.secrets volumes: - ./settings.json:/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json:ro - api-key:/mountedAPIkey command: ["--apikey", "/mountedAPIkey/APIKEY.txt"] labels: traefik.http.routers.etherpad-app.entrypoints: websecure traefik.http.routers.etherpad-app.rule: Host(``) 8080 traefik.enable: true environment: DB_HOST: "etherpad_db" LOGLEVEL: "INFO" MINIFY: "true" PORT: 8080 THEME: "colibris" TITLE: "Picapad" TRUST_PROXY: "true" networks: - proxy - app-db - dpad-app depends_on: - db restart: unless-stopped delete-pad-after-delay: image: container_name: etherpad_delete-pad-after-delay build: context: volumes: - api-key:/mountedAPIkey:ro - deleted-pads:/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads networks: - dpad-app environment: # Must match app container name and port URL: "http://etherpad_app:8080" # In seconds (2 years). MUST be COHERENT with settings.json DEL: 71712000 # Same mount point than deleted-pads DIR: "/opt/etherpad-lite/deleted_pads" # Same mount point than api-key + APIKEY.txt APIKEY_PATH: "/mountedAPIkey/APIKEY.txt" depends_on: - app restart: unless-stopped