package ballotagent import ( "fmt" "net/http" rad "" cs "" ) func contains[S string | rad.Ballot](s []S, e S) bool { for _, a := range s { if a == e { return true } } return false } func intToAlt(s []int) []cs.Alternative { res := make([]cs.Alternative, len(s)) for i, v := range s { res[i] = cs.Alternative(v) } return res } func removeFromSlice(slice []string, elem string) []string { res := make([]string, 0) i := 0 for _, el := range slice { if el != elem { res = append(res, el) i++ } } return res } func (rsa *BallotServerAgent) receiveVote(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // mise à jour du nombre de requêtes rsa.Lock() defer rsa.Unlock() rsa.reqCount++ // vérification de la méthode de la requête if !rsa.checkMethod("POST", w, r) { return } // décodage de la requête req, err := decodeRequest[rad.Vote](r) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) fmt.Fprint(w, err.Error()) return } // recupération des infos scrutin := req.BallotID voteBallot := rad.Ballot{BallotID: scrutin} ballots := make([]rad.Ballot, len(rsa.ballots)) // Check if ballot exists i := 0 for k := range rsa.ballots { ballots[i] = k i++ } if !contains[rad.Ballot](ballots, voteBallot) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) msg := fmt.Sprintf("The ballot '%s' does not exist", scrutin) w.Write([]byte(msg)) return } ballot := rsa.ballots[voteBallot] // Check que la deadline n'est pas déjà passée if !ballot.isOpen { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusServiceUnavailable) msg := fmt.Sprintf("The deadline has passed, the ballot '%s' is therefore closed.", scrutin) w.Write([]byte(msg)) return } // Check que l'agent fait bien partie des votants if !contains(ballot.votersId, req.AgentID) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) msg := fmt.Sprintf("The user '%s' has either already voted or cannot vote", req.AgentID) w.Write([]byte(msg)) return } // Check if vote is valid beforehand (don't want to register a vote that could break the results' calculation) tempProf := make(cs.Profile, 1) tempProf[0] = intToAlt(req.Prefs) _, errPrefs := cs.MajoritySWF(tempProf) if errPrefs != nil || len(req.Prefs) != ballot.nbAlts { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) fmt.Fprint(w, errPrefs.Error()) return } // Register the vote rsa.ballots[voteBallot] = BallotInfo{ profile: append(ballot.profile, intToAlt(req.Prefs)), // add preferences to profile options: append(ballot.options, req.Options), // add options to all options votersId: removeFromSlice(rsa.ballots[voteBallot].votersId, req.AgentID), // remove voter from the list of voters nbAlts: rsa.ballots[voteBallot].nbAlts, isOpen: true, results: rad.ResultResponse{}, } }