================================================================================ === Spring PetClinic sample application - MySQL Configuration === ================================================================================ @author Sam Brannen @author Costin Leau -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download and install the MySQL database (e.g., MySQL Community Server 5.1.x), which can be found here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ 2) Download Connector/J, the MySQL JDBC driver (e.g., Connector/J 5.1.x), which can be found here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ Copy the Connector/J JAR file (e.g., mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar) into the db/mysql directory. Alternatively, uncomment the mysql-connector from the Petclinic pom. 3) Create the PetClinic database and user by executing the "db/mysql/createDB.txt" script. 4) Open "src/main/resources/spring/data-access.properties"; comment out all properties in the "HSQL Settings" section; uncomment all properties in the "MySQL Settings" section.