diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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 This microservices branch was initially derived from [AngularJS version](https://github.com/spring-petclinic/spring-petclinic-angular1) to demonstrate how to split sample Spring application into [microservices](http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html). To achieve that goal we used [Spring Cloud Netflix](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix) technology stack.
 ## Starting services locally without Docker
-Every microservice is a Spring Boot application and can be started locally using IDE or `mvn spring-boot:run` command. Please note that supporting services (Config and Discovery Server) must be started before any other application (Customers, Vets, Visits and API). Tracing server startup is optional.
+Every microservice is a Spring Boot application and can be started locally using IDE or `mvn spring-boot:run` command. Please note that supporting services (Config and Discovery Server) must be started before any other application (Customers, Vets, Visits and API).
+Tracing server and Admin server startup is optional.
 If everything goes well, you can access the following services at given location:
 * Discovery Server - http://localhost:8761
 * Config Server - http://localhost:8888
 * AngularJS frontend (API Gateway) - http://localhost:8080
 * Customers, Vets and Visits Services - random port, check Eureka Dashboard 
 * Tracing Server (Zipkin) - http://localhost:9411
+* Admin Server (Spring Boot Admin) - http://localhost:9090
 You can tell Config Server to use your local Git repository by using `local` Spring profile and setting
 `GIT_REPO` environment variable, for example: